Event Program

2023 Program

For more information on each of the sessions and presenters
please see the drop down text boxes below.

Our Keynote & Guest Speakers

Dr Antoinette Morris

Professor of Youth Work at Victoria University

Dr Antoinette Morris is the Program Coordinator for Fremantle Fast Track, an alternative education program catering for students for whom mainstream schooling is not a good fit.

Antoinette has dedicated 36 years of her 46-year career in public education, to working in the field of re-entry education and senior school engagement programs.

She believes that “For young people who are already disenfranchised or disengaged from mainstream schooling, a more tailored and flexible approach is required.”

Antoinette was awarded the Western Australian Department of Education’s 2024 Women of Achievement Award. This award recognised her leadership and drive to achieve stronger academic outcomes for disengaged students; her significant professional achievement; and, her sustained contribution to public education in Western Australia.

Joshua Patrick

Lived Experience: A Year 10 Young Carer’s Perspective on Maximising Student Potential

Joshua is a 15-year-old, year 10 student from the regional Wheatbelt town of Northam. Josh has been a young carer for his sister, Charlotte, for almost 10 years, providing intense, nursing-level care for her around the clock, as one of her primary carers.

Josh’s life and outlook has been significantly shaped by the great and many challenges his set of life circumstances have required him to face, including his personal struggles with disadvantage. Having a unique voice and perspective has seen Josh present a TEDx talk (at just 14); be selected onto a youth advisory group with Carers WA; volunteer with Telethon Kids Institute, Youth Advisory Council of WA and Australian Youth Affairs Coalition; represent in the role of ambassador, Valuing Children Initiative, Carers Australia and PCH Foundation; initiate and facilitate national medical sibling support online meetings.

Josh is currently a project intern with Minderroo Foundation, Youth Award leader with the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation. He was awarded Community Youth Citizen of the Year Award 2023 and a recent finalist in the 2023 Young Achiever Awards WA.

It is only through the close monitoring, strong support and flexible education delivery facilitated by his school that Joshua has been able to thrive academically, whilst balancing his taxing caring and advocacy roles. He has some incredible insights into the measures schools can implement to support students, such as young carers, who are at educational risk on account of their circumstances. Joshua will share his insight and some of the strategies that have empowered him to succeed academically and, in his endeavours outside of school, as well as provide from his perspective, some further steps schools can take to support students to reach their full potential in all aspects of their lives.

Panel Session

Jarred Wall

General Manager of Aboriginal Service Strategy for Anglicare WA

Jarred works as General Manager of Aboriginal Service Strategy for Anglicare WA where he leads the strategic focus of culturally responsive supports for Aboriginal people in Western Australia. Jarred’s passion for leading change and freedom of expression for Aboriginal people drives his work.

Jarred also works within the arts, performing nationally as ‘Boox Kid’, a singer songwriter and producer. Boox Kid recently supported Hoodoo Guuru’s, Katy Steele, Jen Cloher and opened for George Ezra and has just returned from BIGsound Festival in Meanjin. He is also a cross genre artist, taking to the stage in 2021/22/23 performing as Wardong in the W.A. Opera ‘Koolbardi Wer Wardong’. Written by Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse and sung entirely in Noongar language. Boox kid then starred as Oberon in the BreakSea’s Shakespeare adaption of ‘The Fairy Queen’ performed in Albany, August 2022 and had an acting role in Carmen (2023) for Perth Festival.

As an advocate for First Nation artists, Boox Kid also engaged in the Spotify Yarn sessions aimed at improving Indigenous representation. Furthermore, Boox Kid also engaged in workshops with Support Act in the development of their First Nations Strategic Plan and has engaged in songwriting workshops with the Australasian Performing Rights Association. (APRA)

Laurence Riley

Assistant Ombudsman, Aboriginal Engagement and Collaboration in Western Australia

Laurence is a Noongar/Yamatji man living on Whadjuk country in Boorloo/Perth. He is the first appointed Assistant Ombudsman, Aboriginal Engagement and Collaboration in Western Australia. He holds responsibility amongst other matters for strategic leadership and high level consultancy to support the Ombudsman and staff in undertaking their functions, with a particular focus on the impact on, and delivery of services to, Aboriginal peoples.

Laurence’s experience in education, training health, conservation and land management, transport and other industries has built his reputation as a strong advocate for the rights of First Nations people. He believes that positive cultural identity plays an important role in providing direction for young Aboriginal people in Western Australia and as Assistant Ombudsman he shares his voice with government, business leaders and communities across this vast state.

Laurence is passionate about social justice, equitable access and better outcomes for Aboriginal people that are inclusive and builds understanding across the community.

Jacqueline McGowan-Jones

Commissioner for Children and Young People

Jacqueline McGowan-Jones began her appointment as Commissioner for Children and Young People in January 2022.

Jacqueline has an extensive background in education, child protection, Indigenous affairs, and suicide postvention. Her experience includes senior executive roles across state and federal governments, and the non-government sector.

As Commissioner, Jacqueline has a statutory responsibility to monitor, protect and advocate for the rights and wellbeing of all Western Australian children and young people.

A crucial function of the Commissioner is to consult with children and young people, prioritising the needs and interests of Aboriginal children and young people, as well as those from vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds, in order to address issues that directly impact their lives.

The Commissioner is committed to strengthening the systems that improve opportunities available to all children and young people. The Commissioner firmly believes that all young people have a right to be heard, and actively works to foster a heightened level of understanding and engagement in matters that affect our children and young people, giving them a stronger voice and advocate for their needs.

Tim Milsom

Noongar Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA

Tim is the former CEO of the Fremantle Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Buurabalayji Thalanyji Aboriginal Corporation and current Executive Officer of the Noongar Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Tim owns a number of successful businesses and has been awarded both local and International Awards in Innovation and Export, through his UK interests.

Tim brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to NCCI and has a passion to help businesses realise their vision. He mentors individuals to help build their capacity and realise their dreams and goals.

Presentation Outlines

Breakout Session Two

Implementing trauma informed practice in alternative education programs

Jennifer Achari:
Youth Futures Community School Clarkson

This presentation will outline some of the initial findings from the research conducted across Australia on trauma-informed alternative education. Utilising a trauma-informed approach in education directly impacts the mental health and wellbeing of young people entering these programs. This presentation will give an overview of the findings, and present strategies for trauma-informed practice that participants can take away and implement within their settings.

About the presenter:

Jen is the Deputy Principal at Youth Futures Community School Clarkson and is a sessional academic in the School of Education at ECU. Jen has a passion for the systemic implementation of trauma-informed practices in alternative education and is currently pursuing a PhD in this field. Jen is an inspirational researcher, speaker, and lecturer, who shares her knowledge with both current and future educators.

Youth wellbeing now! Strength-based approach, fostering resilience and Protective Factors

Angela Ansell:
JSW Training and Community Services, Bunbury

The overall aim and goal of the JSW program delivery is to support the needs of young people aged 12 – 24 with complex problems and multiple vulnerabilities, including family dysfunction, child protection concerns, social and emotional wellbeing concerns, disability, neurodevelopmental issues, offending, inadequate housing or homelessness. JSW uses a therapeutic case management model, utilising outreach and centre-based services with diversional and recreation activities aimed at developing the whole person. JSW works alongside young people to identify personal strengths to enhance their resilience building capacity within their wider environment.

About the presenter:

Angela Ansell is the JSW Training and Community Services General Manager. Leading the team in delivering top-quality region-wide support services to those who need help the most. Angela’s 25-year career in community services is founded on optimism, patience and making every single day count towards empowering vulnerable people to make positive life changes. With qualifications in social science, leadership, career, and employability skills and post graduate studies in counselling, Angela helps people overcome disadvantage and exclusion.

All about school-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SBATs)

Jessica Lambright:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA, Apprenticeship Support Australia

This presentation will provide insight into

  • what school-based apprenticeships and traineeships are.
  • Benefits and challenges of SBATs.
  • SBATs Myth busting
  • How to find SBATs opportunities for students.
  • SBATs processes

You will be provided with an overview of the Apprenticeship Support Network services and how they can help you and your students. This session will have an opportunity for Q&A.

About the presenter:

Jessica Lambright is the school-based Traineeship Support Officer at Apprenticeship Support Australia. Her role is to help employers, teachers, parents, and students navigate the tricky world of SBAT’s in relation to dispute mediation, performance management, support for mental health, personal issues and/or academic concerns.

Partnerships to promote student wellbeing

Rae Markham, Tenielle Bright: Anglicare WA

Anglicare WA is a leading not-for-profit organisation in Western Australia currently providing 98 different types of social services in 83 locations across the state. Services include family and domestic violence, mental health and wellbeing, family functioning and child safety.  Anglicare is a leading employer of youth workers in WA with significant expertise in the provision of place-based, trauma informed and practical support to children and young people.  Anglicare was recently appointed by the Department of Education as a provider of Student Wellbeing Officers in WA public schools. Partnerships between community service organisations and the education sector can provide unique opportunities to develop integrated, innovative service responses to increase the wellbeing of WA children and young people. Anglicare WA has developed such partnerships with multiple primary and secondary schools across the state. This presentation will showcase a number of these innovative approaches and explore opportunities for future collaboration.

About the presenter:

Rae Markham is a Strategic Project Manager working with Anglicare WA. Originally qualifying and working as a social worker, Rae has worked extensively in State Government social policy and programme development and previously with the Telethon Kids Institute in social research capacity with a primary focus on the importance of the early years.

Tenielle Bright is a Service Development Lead working with Anglicare WA. Tenielle has extensive experience within the Western Australian education system, both as an educator and in a range of student services and wellbeing roles, including leadership positions across a variety of secondary schools.

Post-secondary work and study pathways for young people experiencing disadvantage

Kirsten Hancock: The Smith Family

This session will highlight recent research findings from the Pathways, Engagement and Transitions (PET) study. The PET study has over 4,000 young people who were on The Smith Family’s Learning for Life program over three years, in 2021, 2022 and 2023. The study includes two cohorts and identifies their pathways throughout their senior secondary and initial post-secondary years. Research findings include experiences of school-based support for career planning, and the barriers and facilitators of engaging in work or study after leaving school.

About the presenter:

Dr Kirsten Hancock is National Manager of Research & Evaluation at The Smith Family. She is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the outcomes of students on The Smith Family’s Learning for Life program, and manages the Pathways, Engagement and Transitions project that tracks post-secondary engagement in work, study and training for young people experiencing disadvantage.

Strategies not solutions, supporting young people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

Sophie Harrington: No FASD

Strategies not Solutions is a workshop designed to equip participants with foundational knowledge and practical strategies to support young people with FASD or who are thought to be at risk of FASD. This workshop focuses on adjusting our expectations to focus on meeting the young person’s needs, where they are at, reducing daily stressors on the neuro divergent brain in all aspects of life will help to reduce adverse life outcomes.

About the presenter:

Sophie is the Chief Operating Officer for NOFASD Australia. Sophie has held positions in frontline services and senior management across a range of sectors including AOD, OOHC and Justice, providing services to multiple young people and families impacted by FASD. Sophie is a FASD educator and coordinator of NOFASD’s lived experience expert advisory groups. She is a member of the Steering Committees for the National FASD Awareness Campaign and the FASD Diagnostic Guideline Review, as well as the FASD Hub Advisory Committee and numerous additional FASD networks. Sophie has lived experience of FASD.

Youth engagement, more than writing case plans

Amber Lee, Rebecca, Disa and Lindsey:
Indigo Junction Midland

Indigo Junction Case Management Framework empowers children and young people. Youth Workers and Case managers work within a no-fail principle that means young people that present with complex trauma-responses are not excluded from services. Indigo Junction Case Workers respond therapeutically using trauma informed responses and authentic relationships with young people. This interactive session will engage the audience in activities that unpack different ways to navigate youth engagement and will unpack some of the barriers in connecting.

About the presenter:

Amber proudly joined Indigo Junction as the Executive Manager for Homelessness and Community Services. With 30 years’ experience across the Early Years, Youth and Community and Out of Home Care sector she has inspired and led teams in implementing evidence-based programs to support vulnerable children and young people in WA.

Rebecca, Disa and Lindsey work across Youth and Family services within Indigo Junction and together have extensive and vast knowledge in the Youth and Community Sector. They are skilled practitioners in supporting teams to work with Youth that have complex trauma and implementing intensive case management and engagement strategies.

Breakout Session Three

Youth work in schools

Kristy O’Bryan: Youth Futures

This presentation aims to emphasise how important and necessary professionally qualified youth workers are to the successful learning, development, and achievement of at-risk and vulnerable young people in schools. This presentation will define what youth work is within a school setting and how the role of a youth worker differs from other roles in schools. Kristy will outline the inherent possibilities and complexities of youth work and offer general principles of good youth work and the support, strategies, and approaches utilised by youth workers to improve the health and well-being, school engagement and achievements of young people

About the presenter:

Kristy has an undergraduate and honours degree in psychology and is currently completing her Master of Social Work. With more than 14 years of youth work experience working alongside vulnerable, marginalised, and at-risk young people aged 15 to 25 years, Kristy’s passion lies in supporting the personal and social development of young people to improve wellbeing and agency.

Building an inclusive school culture

Marie Blackburn, Madison Heady: Activ Foundation

Activ Foundation has developed an innovative program to help build awareness of disability, and to encourage schools to be creative and flexible when planning their learning experiences. The suite has been co-designed with, and will be co-presented by, a person living with disability to bring lived experience into what are impactful and authentic programs. This presentation explains how building guidelines and strategies to ensure all students from a young age feel included and accepted, can lead to them being more actively engaged in their school community.

About the presenter:

Marie Blackburn is a widely experienced educator with a passion for developing inclusive cultures within schools. Across her 35-year career, she has worked in a variety of educational settings with students of all abilities, working to ensure that students with a disability feel included and engaged in their school environments and develop to their full potential.

Madison Heady is a vibrant young woman navigating her way through the world and living with a disability. She has had many challenges in her life and has faced them head-on with determination, strength, and a huge appetite for the outdoors and sports, while campaigning as an advocate for others. Madi won WA Young Person of the Year in 2023 and continues to play a key role in reshaping WA’s approach and education around inclusivity.

Innovation in supporting disengaged youth- Hybrid training, employment, and mentoring pathways

Ben Dahlstrom: MPA Skills

MPA Skills Trade Training has long specialised in the mentoring, training, and employment of disengaged young people.
This presentation outlines MPA Skills latest innovation in this space, built from its years of experience; a model where employment and training, coupled with mentorship, blurs the lines between what is education and work with the sole focus of empowering our disengaged youth.

About the presenter:

Ben Dahlstrom is the CEO of MPA Skills – WA’s largest trainer and employer of plumbing, gas fitting, painting, wall and ceiling and hydrogen tradespeople. Ben’s career to date in Australia and Europe has focused on seeking innovative win-win outcomes for stakeholders in the corporate and charity spaces.

Ben’s career to date in Australia and Europe has focused on seeking innovative win-win outcomes for stakeholders in the corporate and charity spaces.

Through the Maze

Jessica Hatton, Kate Nieuwenhuyze: Carers WA

Through the Maze, is an experiential learning activity. The activity increases participant’s awareness of the issues, experiences, and needs of people with disability and unpaid family and friend carers through the maze of service providers, allied health professionals, their families and community.

Trigger Warning: The activity simulates real life, lived experiences, therefore some of the themes and content of the activity can be confronting. This activity is not for use with young carers, people with disability and/or their family members.

About the presenters:

Jessica Hatton is the Carers WA Community Capacity Development Officer. Jessica has worked at Carers for 3 years across multiple services and has a great deal of experience in disability services and carer support navigation.

Kate Nieuwenhuyze is the Carers WA Community Support Officer, with a background in Community services and Mental health prior to commencing at Carers WA

Fostering community and re-building lives through education

Naomi Carter: WA Recovery College

This presentation will explore the innovative approach of the Western Australian Recovery College, as it works to re-build lives, foster community, and transform systems through education. Taking a human-rights based approach to understanding experiences of distress, the College curriculum is built on the wisdom gained through life-experience and creating opportunities for our students and educators to lead quality lives of meaning and belonging.

About the presenter:

Naomi is the Principal of the WA Recovery College. Working closely with the college team, our alliance partners, and our wonderful educators to bring the college to life. As a lifelong learner, I follow the threads of new ideas, skills, and understandings about a wide variety of things.

Vaping, MDMA and other emerging drug issues

Paul Searle: Statewide services Department of Education

Have you ever thought about how you can support young people navigate situations involving alcohol and other drugs (AOD)?

This interactive workshop examines information and research on emerging drug trends including vaping, MDMA, cannabis, nitrous oxide (nangs) and methamphetamine.We explore the reasons why young people use AOD and some key considerations that can inform how we respond.

About the presenter:

Paul Searle is a Principal Consultant with the Road Safety and Drug Education branch of the Department of Education. Paul coordinates delivery of the State Government’s primary education strategy aimed at reducing alcohol and other drug-related harms among young people. His extensive experience in school drug education includes working directly with metropolitan, regional, and remote school communities to implement prevention and early intervention programs, as well as leading the development of State-wide initiatives.

Child safe, youth safe strategy (thought a youth lens)

Sally Savage, Rachel Koulizos: Anglicare WA

Anglicare WA have implemented some significant changes to the delivery of services, becoming an accredited Child Safe Organisation (CSO) in March 2023. This presentation will describe their CSYS Strategy through a youth lens, highlighting the principles and activities that safeguard the diversity of young people from across youth services and explore some of the real safety concerns that are identified or disclosed and responded to every week. The presenters will provide an overview of Anglicare WAs work in the youth safe space, with recognition that this work is centred around continuous self-assessment, the further embedding of culture by all tiers of leadership and through increased understanding and capacity of staff and volunteers to prevent and respond to the harm of young people.

About the presenter:

Sally Savage is the Youth Practice Consultant at Anglicare WA – Sally has worked in the youth services sector since 2007 at Mission Australia, Youth Futures, City of Rockingham, and City of Gosnells. Sally also worked at the City of Perth for 4 years leading their RAP and diversity and inclusion work. Sally has a Bachelor of Social Science, Post Grad in Policy Studies, Advanced Diploma in Community Sector Management and is currently studying a Post Grad Certificate in Social Impact at UWA.

Rachel Koulizos is a Children and Families Practice Consultant at Anglicare WA. Rachel has 15 years’ experience working in the community sector across both Non-Government Organisations and the Public Sector including child protection, youth work, alcohol, and other drugs (in both counselling and residential settings), family domestic violence, homelessness, and mental health. Rachel has a Bachelor of Social Work and a Post Graduate Certificate in Social Impact from UWA.

Breakout Session Four

Youth Work role within an educational setting

John Sutcliffe, Justine Hughes, Kathrine Mosele, Matt Lanternier, Amy Edgerton: Youth Workers in Schools Network Department of Education

This session will place a spotlight on what a Youth Worker is and what theoretical frameworks under pins this valuable work, the vital role of the profession and how it plays a crucial link in early intervention within an educational context. Youth Work professionals are being employed in increasing numbers within schools. With the increasing complexity of students, Youth Work can provide a flexible adaptive approach to working alongside a young person and ensuring they have agency and skill to meet their own needs. You will also hear from the current Youth Work in Schools Network members about their roles as Youth Work professionals based within educational contexts. They will also explore the scope of the role in schools and the complimentary nature of this role in a multi-disciplinary student service team. An overview of the new network and how this is designed to support collegiate practice for Youth Workers in schools allowing for a more informed, supported and resourced professional best practice.

About the presenter:

John Sutcliffe is a lecturer in Youth Work at Edith Cowan University and holds a Master of Social Science (Youth Work). John has worked in the youth work field for 19 years in various roles including outreach youth work, school-based youth work, case management, program coordination, and service management. John is currently undertaking his PhD, and his research and publications include youth work practice, youth work careers, and digital youth work.

Katherine Mosele, Matthew Lanternier, Amy Edgerton and Justine Hughes make up the management committee for the 72 member YWIS network running for three years, providing collegiate best practice as well as networking and resource sharing.

Revitalising Minds: Unleashing the power of AI gamification in neurodiverse education

Liam Casson: Reset Moves

This presentation will explore The AI Gamification Revolution for Students. Discover ground-breaking insights on boosting attention, engagement, and mood in neurodiverse students with a 10-minute AI-powered active break! The session will explore the science behind cognitive loaded/physical activity interventions. Dive into real-world case studies and explore the positive results. Experience a live demo of our innovative gamified app and explore how this would best support your context-Brain game, reset opportunity, reward experience, a positive re-engagement learning tool or simply promoting physical activity/ movement. Elevate your teaching and empower your students!

About the presenter:

Liam Casson is a seasoned wellbeing advocate with a diverse background in education, professional sports, and corporate environments. Liam is on a mission to foster positive change. Liam’s unwavering passion lies in promoting positive wellbeing results for all.

Career Conversations 2023

Shirley Parer: Statewide Services Department of Education

In this presentation we will explore career conversations that can help young people prepare for the challenges ahead and to feel less worried about the future. We can help shift perceptions and beliefs and that can limit a young person’s potential and encourage them to develop the skills and capabilities they need to manage their careers throughout their lives. Armed with accurate, up-to-date information we can encourage young people to explore the full range of options and pathways open to them. Hear about exploring university and training pathways, career pathway information for young people with disabilities, the new Career Learning Toolkit, where the jobs are, what employers and industry are looking for. The world of work is changing and there are many opportunities to explore. As key influencers of young people, your conversations can impact their career-related decisions.

About the presenter:

Shirley has a passion for career education and at the core of her work is a belief that everybody has a role in optimising future learning, work, and life opportunities for our young people. Shirley provides professional learning and develops resources to support schools in implementing career related learning. Shirley is currently President of the Career Education Association of WA (CEAWA).

Pathways to Home – Transition support for young carers in WA

Laura Thomas, David Reid, Natalie: Young Carers WA Team

This presentation will provide insight on participation and engagement strategies for young people who have people with care needs at home. Young Carers face significant barriers and challenges which inhibit their ability to achieve their potential educationally. Hear about how the Young Carer Teamwork in continuous partnership and collaboration with schools, participation teams and youth focused agencies to provide practical supports to address barriers young carers experience and focus on building a sense of self identity, esteem, and efficacy.

About the presenters:

Laura is an experienced Career Practitioner with over 15 years’ experience working with vulnerable and at-risk cohorts. Laura currently works to empower Young Carers to meet their vocational aspirations and improve their health and wellbeing.

David Reid is a youth work practitioner with over 16 years’ experience of working alongside ‘at risk’ young people in a variety of settings including youth justice, education, regional, outreach and centre-based engagement in the UK, USA, and Australia.

Natalie is an Education, Health and Engagement Professional with 15 years’ experience working as a classroom teacher in alternative learning settings focusing on social and emotional learning and as well as in health promotion in education and community facilities.

Building Capacity and Understanding in the Future work for WA

Rosie Hegarty: Local Jobs Perth

This presentation includes research from the Australian Skills Classification and the National Careers Institute to explore how to build skills throughout school years that will be required for the future of work in WA. In addition, learn about the future skills and industries that are emerging in WA and those skills that are important to support work for the future. You will walk away understanding what’s to come and how to support your students to navigate the future opportunities available to them.

About the presenters:

Rosie Hegarty is the Employment Facilitator for an Australian Government initiative called Local Jobs Perth South. Rosie has over 20 years’ experience from the employment industry having worked for jobs boards such as Seek where she consulted with employers and industry to attract and retain staff and has also run her own business coaching jobseekers to secure employment. Rosie’s passion is to build future capacity for Perth South which stems from supporting and empowering youth to choose informed pathways.

Creating Cultural Safety in classrooms: The Shooting Stars approach

Latoya Bolton-Black, Rose Whitau: Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars is an education and empowerment program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls and young women based in twenty-two host schools across Western Australia and South Australia. This presentation will provide a case study of our work at Narrogin Senior High School (NSHS), where we have facilitated yarning circles with students, community, and the entire school faculty to explore how NSHS can create cultural safety in classrooms and the broader school environment. We will provide practical tools for school, teaching, and student services staff to takeaway and implement in their own educational settings.

About the presenters:

Latoya Bolton-Black is a Wiilmen Nyoongar and Yamatji woman and was the Program Coordinator at Narrogin Senior High School from 2018 to 2019, Regional Manager for Greater Western Australia from 2019 to 2021, Operations Manager from 2021 to 2023, and Acting Executive Officer since August 2023. Latoya has recently been appointed to the WA Education Department’s newly created Aboriginal Advisory committee.

Rose Whitau is a New Zealand Māori (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha) and Pākehā (New Zealand European) woman. Rose was the Regional Manager for the Shooting Stars program in the Mid-West, Gascoyne, and Goldfield’s regions from 2016 to 2018 and has been the Shooting Stars Research Manager since October 2019. Rose has a PhD in Culture, History and Language from the Australian National University.

Forum Theatre – Interactive demonstration for successful engagement of young people

Matt Stewart and 3 professional actors:
Constable Care Foundation’s Youth Choices

This interactive role-play workshop allows participants to safely explore solutions to issues confronting their lives and communities. Rapid Response Theatre is one of Youth Choices many offerings available to secondary schools and youth centres in Perth and greater WA. This is an opportunity for teachers, year coordinators, youth workers to discover this unique and valuable resource.

About the presenters:

Matt Stewart is the Arts and Education Manager at the Constable Care Foundation and Youth Choices. Matt has decades of experience as a manager, trainer, facilitator, and professional theatre practitioner. He was the co-founder and GM of Darlinghurst Theatre Company and Milk Crate theatre, Sydney and has also worked in restorative justice and change management. He recently presented to Drama QLD and Drama Austalia about Forum Theatre and has been invited to present in Christchurch NZ in October.